P.e. Posters
A collection of Physical Education posters you can print out and use in your classes. Each poster was designed in the size of 8 1/2" x 11". However, you can print out multiple pages on a website called "Block Posters" which blows up the poster and then splits it up into multiple pages for you to print out and assemble. Click on the button below to go to the "Block Posters" website. Also, check out the "P.E. Assessments" and "Star Wars Sports" tabs on my website for more poster ideas.
(ADDED 10/25/18)
A big "Thank You" to Rich Wiles for pointing out a glaring omission from when I created the first set.
STEAM In Physical Education
(added 10/25/18)
Progress Report Posters
(added 7/15/18)
My district's progress report has many areas. To make it easier for my students to understand I created these posters with the help of clip art from Ron Leishman from Teachers Pay Teachers. My intention of posting these is not for you to print them out and hang them in your gym, for my progress report is probably way different from yours. It is to inspire you to create your own for your students.
Grades K-2...
Grades K-2...
Grades 3-5...
This Way...Poster
(added 7/10/18)
welcome poster
(added 6/19/15)
First, let me say this is not my idea. I took it off Pinterest from someone who took it from somewhere else. If this idea belongs to you, please let me know. Want to give credit where credit is due.
7 days without exercise...poster
(added 5/9/15)
(added 3/15/15)
I had a request to put all five national standards on one page (Scroll down this page for original posters individually). Here is it!
elementary heart rate posters
(added 2/15/15)
After a conversation on Voxer, Mike Graham and I developed these posters to help younger students know what a good working heart rate is in order to benefit their hearts. These posters are designed to be viewed from across the gym. If you are not on Voxer, you should be! Contact me with more info about getting on Voxer. Enjoy!!!
white board motivators
(added 12/26/14)
Do you use a white board in class? If so, these posters are for you. I use them to motivate student to try their very best on activities such as Sport Stacking, Jump Rope, and Rope Climbing. It works this way: If a student Sport Stacks really fast, or if a student performs a certain number of jumps in a row with a jump rope, they can write their name on the white board. Simple, but very effective. Below you will see an example of the types of white board motivators I use.
Sport education student role posters
(added 12/10/14)
These posters are just some examples of the kinds of roles students would take in the Sport Education model in Physical Education. This model was created by Daryl Siedentop in the 1980's. Click below to download the PDF for printing as well as a link to his book.
kid friendly national standards posters
(added 12/4/14)
First off, let me say that this was not my idea. Mike Graham from Illinois (a friend from Twitter) asked me if I would create these based on the national standards. I have to say, I love the way he broke down the wording and made it easy to understand. Mike was the author, Comic Life and myself were the illustrators. The coloring coincides with the colors used in the Grade Level Outcomes Document found below from SHAPE America.
printer friendly versions:
comic life created report card posters
(added 8/15/14)
I created these posters to show students how they were to be assessed in relation to their report card. The report card in our district uses a 4 point rubric. Therefore, all assessed areas are on a 4 point scale. The assessed areas in my school district are: Effort, Conduct, Skills, and Knowledge.
Effort Posters:
pizza Rubric
(added 8/15/14)
Based on an idea from Sarah Gietschier-Hartman from Twitter using the Cupcake visual I created my own using pizza. I ask my students: "Are you 'Cheesy' today?"
sportspersonship poster
(added 6/1/14)
s.h.a.p.e. america's national standards & grade level outcomes posters
(added 4/28/14)
locomotor skills posters
(Added 4/28/14)
These are examples of 2 of 7 the Locomotor Skills Posters. Click on the link below to download the entire set.