Danny Go! Youtube Channel
Such a fun and engaging YouTube channel. This video alone made me subscribe instantly…
Detroit P.E. YouTube Channel
This YouTube channel has many fun and interesting videos for students of all ages. I got hooked on the outer space ones. :) Below is one of my favorites...
Coach Corey Martin'S YouTube Channel
The variety of Coach Corey Martin's YouTube channel is what impresses me the most. Tones of great content that can be used throughout the year and it's all super engaging. Below is one of my favorites...
Annalise Tingler's YouTube Channel
What a pleasant surprise to stumble across this channel! The integration of academic subject and physical activity is off the charts. I love that stuff. So many great and easy to understand videos. Below is one of my favorites...
Amy GazzAniga'S YouTube Channel
Another YouTube channel developed over the past year, Amy's videos are both engaging and educational as well with many that can be used for students at home, as well as in person. Below is one of my favorites...
UJU YouTube Channel
Talk about fun activities. This channel has so much. From fitness, to mindfulness, to dance. A channel to definitely check out. Below is one of my favorites...
Kid Fitness Challenge YouTuBe Channel
A YouTube channel not even a year old, and yet has produced dozens of educational and entertaining content (Edutainment?). Below is one of my favorites...
Be well played youtube channel
I stumbled across the Be Well Played channel right around the time the pandemic hit. The games and activities they post are very engaging and easy to understand. Since that time, tons more content has been added. Below is one of my favorites. In addition, on their website you are able to subscribe for even more content. Click on the buttons to go to their YouTube channel as well as their website.
Matthew Wood's YouTube Channel
I was contacted by Matt to see if I could "review" one of his videos that was Star Wars based. Honored that he asked me, I was pleasantly surprised by not only the video he sent me, but also the other videos on his channel. Below is one of my favorites (for obvious reasons)... :)
Sean Dooley's YouTube Channel
I first "met" Sean on Twitter. Over the past several months, he has created some very creative and engaging videos. His use of green screens is great! Also, the way he involves his staff at his school to participate is both inspiring and fun to see. Below is one of my favorites...
Kelli Smith YouTube Channel
In the short time Kelli has been producing videos, she has put out several top quality, highly engaging content for students of all ages. From warmups, to fitness, to skill based videos, Kelli's YouTube channel is very impressive. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next! Below is one of my favorites...
P.E. With Mr. S. YouTube Channel
As creative as a P.E. channel can be. Mic Seifert has produced MANY visually appealing and engaging videos for students of all ages. His ability to combine many apps (called app smashing) into an end product is impressive and inspiring. Mic's videos are as good as they get. Below is one of my favorites...
fitness hustle tv
Eye popping graphics, upbeat music, easy to follow along? Yep, that's a channel for me. Excellent YouTube channel for all levels of students. Below is one of my favorites...
RDS Online
Definitely a channel to check out. Great graphics and challenges for all ability levels. Click on the video below to see one of my favorites...
Mr. Derek Blyzwick
Derek's first movement based video was posted to his site 7 months ago. In that short time he has produced some of the most unique and engaging videos I have ever seen. In addition to his dance videos (which includes members of his family - adorable), he has used some very eye catching graphics which includes green screen effects. Click on the video below to see one of my favorites...
Go With Yo Yo
I found this channel while searching for (what else) some Star Wars fitness videos other then my own. Up came Yo Yo. When I say these are great, I mean it. Super engaging for younger students and with a variety of themes. Below is one of my favorites :)
Ross Chakrian
Ross has to be one of the most creative teachers I know. I can actually say I know him because we met at a conference a few years ago. His videos that incorporate movement concepts are second to none. Put a couple side by side and stop them to see what the students need to do in class. Below is an example. Stop these videos randomly to see what comes up...Absolute GOLD.
Randy Spring
I have been a big fan of Randy for a looooooooooong time. In fact, you can find his website reviewed on the Websites Tab on Phys.Ed.Review. In addition to his website, he has produced several fun and interesting videos for Physical Education. Below is one of my favorites.
Coach GeLardi
What I love most about this YouTube channel is the way Coach Gelardi uses normal everyday items and creates fun and challenging games. He has accumulated quite a number of quick and easy to set up games to keep kids active. Click on the video below to see one of my favorites...
Mike Morris
Mike and I met at the PE Institute a few years ago. To say he is creative is a definite understatement. He has singlehandedly helped me survive through the pandemic with his super creative, and easy to follow skill based videos. Below is one of my favorites...
Arat ja Ujot - Our stories
When searching on YouTube for some fun and quick physical challenges for my students I came across this channel. What I love is that most of them have school aged students doing the challenges which has motivated my students to try and complete them on their own. Below is one of my favorites...
PE Bowman
(added 10/7/20)
All I can say is, WOW!!! This YouTube channel is AMAZING. Below is a sample of the type and quality of the videos he produces. Go there. You won't be disappointed.
The P.E. Spot
As of this writing all of us are in one form or another of teaching differently. Whether we are in full in person, hybrid, or remote, we ALL are looking for great ideas to use with our students. Enter The P.E. Spot. This YouTube channel is only 3 months old but already has produced over 50 videos that can be used in a variety of ways in Physical Education. Check out one of my favorites...
Prime Coaching Sport
(added 7/16/19)
All I can say is, WOW. This channel has tons of short videos that students can follow along to as well as ideas for easy to implement games and activities for all ages.
Easy P.E. T.V.
I stumbled on this channel and, boy, am I glad I did. GREAT videos to demonstrate simple exercises to younger students in a fun and engaging way. Check one out...
Glenn Higgins Get Kids mOving YouTube Channel
What can I say about Glenn. EVERYTHING he puts together is phenomenal. His Star Wars and Super Hero videos are of the highest quality and super engaging for students (and adults) of all ages. Below is one of my favorites...
Flaghouse Activity Channel
I have been a long time fan of Flaghouse and the products they produce. A couple of years ago they began posting videos to YouTube highlighting some of their great and engaging products. Below is one of my favorite videos using pool noodles...
OPEN YouTube Channel
I have been a long time supporter of OPEN and the lessons and resources they provide FOR FREE to Physical Education teachers. Their YouTube channel provides great instructional videos that explain some of their activities. Great program with great teachers helping teachers. Here's one of my favorites called "First Things First"...
National Circus Project YouTube Channel
Do you need instructional videos on how to perform circus skills? Look no further. This channel has EVERYTHING you need to show students how to perform a variety of circus skills from plate spinning to diabolos to devil sticks. Here's a example...
RHEPE.com YouTube Channel
Mr. Eric Turrill is the Round Hill Elementary Physical Education teacher at Round Hill, Virginia. His videos are super creative, easy to follow, and an inspiration. Check out one of his videos below then click on the link to go to his YouTube channel. GREAT STUFF!!!
Mihran Kirakosian YouTube Channel
Browsing around YouTube one day I stumbled across Mihran's channel. If you want to lean or teach all types of dance, go there now. He even has some gymnastic's type instructional videos as well. Awesome visuals and super easy to follow.
Coach Meger YouTube Channel
Dale Sidebottom YouTube Channel
(Added 12/23/18)
I've "known" Dale for a while. I say "known" because we have never actually met. That being said, I've been following him on Twitter a long time. Utilizing green screen technology he has created several very cute, and extremely motivating videos for students to follow along to. Below is an example. Click on the link to go to his Energenic Education website.
Lynn Hefele's Physical Snacks
(added 12/23/18)
Lynn Hefele has done something truly amazing here. She has created a series of videos that utilizes green screen technology in a fun and innovative way. Kids perform exercises in front of colorful and imaginative backgrounds. Calling them "Physical Snacks" they are great for the classroom, Physical Education classroom, and home environments. Take a look a sample video below then click on the link to go to the YouTube playlist.
Andy Hair YouTube Channel
Andy is great. Not only is he super creative, he is also super enthusiastic. I've been a fan of his on Twitter for many years now. An example of his creativity is the video you see below. He has a number of these on his YouTube channel. Click on the links to go to his YouTube channel videos as well as his website for more great Physical Education content.
Justin Cahill's YouTube Channel
(added 2/22/18)
Need some awesome and innovative activities for your students? Look no further. Justin's stuff rocks. Here is an example video. Click on the button below to go directly to his YouTube Channel.
Group HIIT YouTube Channel
(added 2/22/18)
I stumbled across this YouTube channel and I have to say, I LOVE IT!!! Great visuals that are easy to follow along to. Some groups of exercises (like the video you see below) are geared toward kids. Love it!!!
music express youtube channel
(added 8/14/16)
I stumbled across this YouTube channel looking for dances I could do with my K-2 students. What a find!!! Super catchy songs and you can't help but smile while you are doing these dances!
matt pomeroy's youtube channel
(added 12/26/14)
Matt has some great videos on his YouTube channel. First off, he teaches middle school in Wisconsin. His videos revolve around that age group. That being said, he has an awesome collection of videos from skill development to fitness. His passion for Physical Education is evident. Great job Matt!!!
vitathread youtube channel
(added 11/8/14)
So far, Vitathread's Youtube channel has just a few videos but the videos they do have are awesome. Go to the "P.E. Website" page on this site to read a review of their great site. Below is a short video on how to hop. I've shown these videos to my students on how to perform the skills and I have a seen a dramatic improvement in their performance. All my students want to look just like "J"!!! Click on the button below the video to go to their YouTube channel. Ask them to make more!!!
mike graham's youtube channel
(added 10/11/14)
If there is someone out there in the world that is most like me, I think Mike is it. He is an incredible teacher who has tons of great ideas. His YouTube channel showcases those great ideas. Take a look, you won't be disappointed!!!
collin brooks' youtube channel
(added 10/11/14)
I "met" Collin on Twitter about a year ago. In addition to being a regular contributor on Twitter, he is actively involved in his state's SHAPE organization. He has some great ideas on integrating technology in Physical Education. The only complaint I have about his YouTube channel is that I wish he would put more on it! Great work Collin.
dude perfect
(added 6/20/14)
OK, so the videos from these guys may not be "P.E.", but they are incredibly entertaining and they are sports related. Trick shots with basketballs, bowling balls, ping pong balls, etc… Watching these videos gave me an idea: Have students create their own "Dude Perfect" videos creating some wild shots of their own. Believe me, after watching some of their videos, you'll be motivated to try some active outdoor shots of your own. Clean, appropriate, and guaranteed to make you smile. "Pound It, Noggin'" time!!!
Scooter city
(added 3/2/14)
If you like this game, then you have to check out all the rest of Kristine Ellis' videos. They are all awesome!!!
tag ball
(added 1/26/14)
Great warm-up activity for basketball. Keeps kids moving!!!
2012 AAU Junior Olympic Games Sport Stacking Championships Opening Ceremonies Video
(added 10/13/13)
I show this video at the beginning of my Sport Stacking unit to motivate my students. It never fails!!!
P.E. Games - Bridges & Rivers
(added 10/13/13)
Tons more games like this one at "PE Games" on YouTube. Click below to go to their YouTube channel.
Let's Dance: Starships
(added 10/4/13)
Tons more activities and games like this one at "Coach Pirillo" on YouTube. Click below to go to his YouTube channel.